Grup Tanpa Nama

2022-08-27 12:42:31
The Center for Cold-Formed Metallic Constructions (CCFSS) was established at the College of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri College of Science and Engineering) in May 1990 under an initial grant received from the American Iron and Material Company. More than the years, the Center's sponsorship offers produced to include: Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute, Metal Construction Association, Tray Producers Institute, Simpson Strong-Tie, Material Floor Institute and Steel Framing Marketplace Affiliation. In 2000, the Middle was basically renamed for its Founding Director, Dr. Wei-Wen Yu. The Centre is dedicated to furthering the field of cold-formed steel and hosts continuing education events such as the Wei-Wen Yu Cosmopolitan Profession Seminar on Cold-Formed Metal Buildings, which has taken place every other year since 1971. Leading analysts, planners, suppliers and educators who have operating in exploration, design and style, make and the employ of cold-formed metallic associates gather at this meeting to found outlined conversations of their latest results.
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